"-and the living is easy." --Gershwin
Summer is a time of sunshine, lounging at the beach or pool, barbeques, and vacations. Summer can also be easier for those with fibromyalgia. Generally, I have found that when the temperatures are warmer, my muscles ache less, but that doesn't mean I won't experience a flare.
Pressure changes, such as those caused by big violent thunderstorms, as well as the lack of sleep that accompany them when one hits in the middle of the night can trigger a flare. Flares can also be triggered by extreme heat and humidity. Add the normal stresses of living, and summer isn't always easy on those with fibro.
This is the first time that I missed a week of blogging. Summer is my busiest time of year. I own a vacation rental, and it takes time to manage the bookings and clean between guests. I took on two farm markets this year where I sell baked goods and my art work. Since I work out of my own kitchen and not a commercial kitchen, the baking can be tremendously exhausting. I care for my elderly parents, and I am trying to keep my writing and art going at the same time.
I ran out of steam. It's amazing how adrenalin can keep you going. Life doesn't stop because I feel tired and achy. I have been extremely tired for the past few weeks, but I had deadlines, so I kept going. I could feel the joints beginning to ache especially my trouble spots, the hips, shoulders, and elbows. Standing was sometimes excruciating. Taking bread in and out of the oven on a peel was very difficult. At times I though my elbow and wrist would give out.
I did it though, but I couldn't keep up the writing or painting. This past week I finally got a little ahead on the baking, and I crashed. After the market on Saturday, I was ready to sleep for a week. I managed a little cleaning on Sunday, but by today, I was pretty useless. I allowed myself some naptime today. I still feel achy, but I am coming back. The heat and humidity are high and that aggravates things. Tomorrow is another market day, and I will have to bake in the morning. Another deadline, another day, and I will meet the challenge tired and achy or not.
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